
Approximate Age:
10 years, 2 months


Hi… my name is Dash.

Adopted 4-4-17

When you come to shelter with ten other black cats, you figure your chances at getting adopted might be pretty slim! Well, I’m hoping that TALGV is the special place that proves that concept wrong by making sure our attributes and individual virtues are “out there” for all to see! We came from an overcrowded situation, so we’re all keeping pretty low profiles at the moment, but in no time our “real selves” are sure to emerge. None of us have had a lot of “play experience,” but the volunteers are teaching us that that really is a thing that cats do, so we’re all trying to get the hang of being the friendly, outgoing felines we were born to be. If you could help me in that endeavor, I’d be ever so grateful!

Arrived April 17, 2015