
Approximate Age:
16 years, 5 months


Hi… my name is Felix.

Adopted June 2, 2015

You know there are cats that just LOVE other cats, and then there’s my kind — we’d really prefer to be king of the hill! I did live with another cat for two years, and we got along “meh” as they say, but my mom and dad felt that my occasional “issues” were social ones and that they’d disappear once I never had to look over my shoulder for the “other guy.” They said that I am a very affectionate fellow who loves lap time and am “needy and dependent” (not a “bad” thing — it just means I like to be around you a lot!). I’m an amiable tuxedo guy with a charming “soul patch” who will be forever grateful for one more chance to prove what a lover I am!

Arrived December 28, 2014.