
Approximate Age:
19 years, 11 months


Hi… my name is Ramsey.

Adopted May 30, 2015

Comes with Free Vet Care for Life

If you’re done with the high activity “kitten thing” and are looking for a low activity, loving, “wants-to-be-petted-and-held-all-day” gentleman, then look no further! I lived with my mature family for four years and since they can no longer keep me, they felt I’d be perfect in a “retirement environment” where I can get more of the same. They said that I loved music, was mild mannered, and good with other animals. I’m not good with kids though (hey, nobody’s perfect!), but love to bask in the sun and spend all my waking hours with you. I’m an 11-year-old Russian Blue mix with a white chin and bib, and to top it all off, I come with Free Vet Care for Life. I’d say that I’m just made to order for a Green Valley life!

Arrived May 25, 2015