
Approximate Age:
9 years, 7 months
6 pounds


Hi… my name is Bubba,

Adopted September 1, 2016

It’s a well-known fact that “special needs” cats are almost always extraordinarily sweet and oh-so-special in many ways! In my case, I have limited vision, and although I can see shadows and movement (the vet who examined me said that if Bubba were a person, he’d need a seeing-eye dog!), I still get around just fine (especially once I get to know my surroundings and, truth-be-told, I’d way rather spend time in your lap anyway! I arrived at TALGV with my sister, Blossom, and friends from a shelter that was closing, and although it was a long trip for us, we’ve all settled in and are ready to move on to real homes for the first time in our lives. I hope you’ll be the one to give me mine!

Arrived April 30, 2016