
Approximate Age:
11 years, 7 months


Hi… my name is Jazz.

Think June in Arizona. Think a closed-up trailer in June in Arizona. Think a closed-up trailer in June in Arizona with no food and water. Not pretty, is it? Well, that’s where the owner of the trailer found my extended family (including a passel of kittens!) and me after the renters moved out. I can’t tell you how happy we all were to get out of there and into TALGV where it’s cool and there’s all the food and water we want. It may take a while for all of us to recover from that experience, but when we do, we’ll be the most grateful felines on the planet! I’m a multi-colored, longhaired tabby lady and I know that a lot of purrs, rubs, and kisses will come your way when you take me home!