

(Ms.) Brucie

Hi… my name is (Ms.) Brucie,

When my human mom passed away and her family could not keep me, they wisely brought me to The Animal League. Here I am afraid and shy of my new surroundings. However, the kind volunteers are luring me out of my corner with their kind words. In my previous home I was tolerant but not friendly with the resident dog and cat, so I may do better in a home where I am the “only pet.” Although I may be skittish, I warm up to snuggle with my person. I enjoy belly rubs and active playtime. Will you be the kind person who helps me return to my loving, playful self? (5/23)

If you are considering adoption, stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Or you may call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make an appointment. Kennel hours are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 12-3-22, Adopted 5-1-23, Arrived 1-30-25