
Approximate Age:
2 years, 0 months


Hi… my name is Wisdom,

Adopted 6-14-23

When I came to The Animal League I was just a kitten—check my photos on the website. I was adopted by a nice lady but her son had bad allergies, so I’m back here again! People who know me say I’m very friendly, like to be in laps, and will nuzzle your face and ears. I like to play fetch with toys and playing in boxes. I’m a talker and a very big cuddler, craving petting and interaction.  Special things about me: I purr really LOUD, and my whiskers are white on one side and black on the other! I love to eat and do best with a grain-free diet. Please come see me.

Arrived 9-5-22, Adopted 11-3-22, Arrived 5-27-23