
Approximate Age:
9 years, 4 months


Hi… my name is Cyera,

Adopted 1-30-17

There once was a group of dogs who lived a hard knock life. I know because I was one of them. We had each other, but were never allowed in the house—no matter the weather. And even as puppies, we worked hard just to stay safe. Then, one magical day, our lives changed. Friendly, gentle people came to visit, brought us yummy treats, and helped us move. Today I live indoors, eat well, and sleep on a comfy bed. There’s a change in my heart, too, because now I dare to dream of my very own home—a place where people will want me to play, have fun, and share their happy life. I’m a very loving 15-month-old rust Heeler female, and you’ll become my hero forever the day you make me yours!

Arrived 12-16-16

PS I am presently being fostered so please call to make an appointment to meet me.