
Approximate Age:
0 years, 6 months
10 pounds


Hi… my name is Nectarine,

My siblings and I were found all alone, six 8-week-old puppies, near a busy road. That was our rocky beginning but look at us now! We’ve been growing and learning, getting accustomed to collars and leashes, and having all kinds of fun. Of course, we have our individual personalities, but attributes we share include a love of playing every day, healthy appetites and being super smart! (That “super smart” part should help with learning more important dog lessons!) We have the confidence for adventure, a puppy supply of energy, and volunteers say we’re all doing well on our daily walks. One even said that I “walked like a prince!” I’m Nectarine, a handsome hound mix male, who’d be very happy to share an active fun-filled life with you. Could I make you happy too?

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 3-14-24