
Approximate Age:
3 years, 11 months
71 pounds


Hi… my name is Nova,

Adopted with Astra 10-17-22

After being found in their yard, the friendly “human” resident came out to greet me. Then, as hospitality dictates, I was fed, walked, and driven to TALGV, where there awaited a pleasant surprise. Upon arriving, it seemed like the volunteers were discussing me and someone named Astra. After we were brought together, looking almost identical, they decided we were probably sisters. Neither Astra nor I would confirm or deny our relationship. But we know! I’m a little more outgoing than Astra, but like her I am also very friendly, affectionate, and sweet. I also walk well on a leash, can use a doggie door, and recently passed my “cat test.” Great minds think alike because I too am interested in a family who’s been looking for someone just like me. Look no further! Here I am!

FOUND – Arrived 10-4-22