
Approximate Age:
14 years, 6 months

Baby Girl

Hi… my name is Baby Girl.

Adopted August 2, 2015

When the volunteers saw “CHC” listed as my breed on my intake information, they were really stumped! After sifting through the papers though, they discovered that my owners considered me a “common house cat”! Well, hey — there’s nothing common about me — we felines are all unique! My senior mom recently developed extreme health issues, so unfortunately my friend, Little Big Man, and I needed to move on. Dad said, “Although initially shy with strangers she will eventually come out to investigate. She’s quite gentle and great to be with, plays with action toys and human held ones, and is a great regal lady that a quiet family will be very happy with.” I’m a beautiful “Maine Coon-like” tabby who just needs one last home that I’m hoping will include Little Big Man.

Arrived May 10, 2015