
Approximate Age:
8 years, 1 months


Hi… my name is Dusk,

Adopted 12-21-16

I guess older people sometimes forget how “active” kittens are, and the lady who adopted me when I was a baby said after six months, “I just can’t take care of him,” and that was it! Well, yeah, as she pointed out, I am playful and kittenlike; I get on the furniture (isn’t that where a guy is supposed to be – with you?); and I do like to run around exploring things, but that’s a big part of the joy of having a youngster like me! Well, I’m a “teenager” now, so those things will doubtless slow down in the coming years (or maybe not!), so I’ve still got lots of entertainment and love in these young bones, so why not share those things with me?


Arrived 5-24-16; Adopted 5-26-16; Arrived 12-14-16