
Approximate Age:
10 years, 0 months


Hi… my name is Jasper,

Adopted 7-12-17

Are you the kind of person who’s awed by the sleek beauty of panthers you see on shows like National Geographic? Well…guess who’s here to say that you can have your very own mini version! I was roaming a neighborhood in Green Valley for several weeks before a TALGV volunteer decided life out there was too dangerous for me. Turns out that I am one of the most affectionate, outgoing, fellows you’ll ever meet and I just live for attention and petting! She said that I happily trotted after her when she was outside (a candidate for a harness and leash maybe?), seemed to be OK with dogs, and just couldn’t get enough “loving.” I’ll bet my bottom dollar if you come by and schmooze, you’ll be smitten!

Arrived 5-8-17