
Approximate Age:
4 years, 4 months
7 1/2 pounds
Special Needs:
Goldie is blind but he likes to walk on leash. He needs to be your ONLY cat.


Hi… my name is Goldie,

Adopted 11-29-21

When you’re born blind, you learn to navigate the world pretty well despite that handicap (it also makes you REALLY love laps and sweet talk for their comfort and security!). I was born in a feral colony and a wonderful woman took me in until her physical limitations precluded her caring for me. She said I liked to play with rattle toys and enjoyed walking on a harness outdoors. My main joy is just being with you (no other cats, please). Just be careful ‘cause I stick really close by, so be sure not to step on me! As a 1-year-old guy, I know I’ll make a loving, lifelong companion, so why not yours?

Arrived 10-5-21