
Approximate Age:
13 years, 0 months


Hi… my name is M.K. (Miss Kitty)

Adopted December 24, 2014.

Here’s all you need to know about me: “This cat was a wonderful companion to her owner and would not leave his side. She brought a lot of joy to him, as he was a handicapped Viet Nam veteran who just passed away. She loves to sit and be petted and sleep wherever she wants (sometimes in a closet!).” All I can add is that I didn’t live with kids, but was okay with them when they visited (I played a tad rough sometimes though), lived with another cat that died a year ago, and don’t care for dogs that chase me (who would?). I’m a beautiful 3-year-old Torbie girl (a mix of tortoiseshell and tabby), who’d love to bring as much joy to you as I did to my dad.

Arrived December 19, 2014.