
Approximate Age:
3 years, 6 months
8 1/2 pounds
Special Needs:
Available with bonded companion Buddy


Hi… my name is Molly,

Adopted with Buddy 9-14-22

Very friendly and bonded with Buddy, I like to play with everything. I love to be brushed and petted. Occasionally, I would hop up into my rescuer’s lap.  I sleep in either a bed or cat tree tower, depending on my mood. Found in her neighborhood, our rescuer attempted to integrate Buddy and me into her home. She took us to her vet and had me spayed and Buddy neutered. She had us both vaccinated and proclaimed healthy. Despite her efforts, her resident cat was too stressed to accept us, so she sadly had to bring us here. However, we’re ready to meet our new humans. Won’t you please come in to meet us?

Arrived 5-6-22