
Approximate Age:
19 years, 11 months
Special Needs:
FELV Positive


Hi… my name is Priscilla,

Adopted 10-20-17

Priscilla comes with FREE Vet Care for Life!

When my mom gave my housemate, Fluffy, and me to her friend when she moved, she thought I’d be able to stay forever, but the three resident cats immediately got their collective noses out of joint, so we only got to stay for a week. Since we’d lived with other cats and a dog before, Fluffy and I really tried to make friends, but it was just a “no go.” I’m a 12-year-old lady (so I come with Free Vet Care for Life!). My foster mom said that I’m on the shy side but loving nonetheless (that seems to be a trait of a lot of torties!), so I’d like to propose a merger, one that will yield great rewards for us both!

Arrived 1-14-17