
Approximate Age:
19 years, 5 months


Hi… my name is BB.

Actually, my “given” name is Keyper BB Seven, but you can just call me BB! My sister, Me-Me Bella, and I came from a family of four Pugs and lived with our canine parents, cats, kids and a human mom all our lives until she crossed the “Rainbow Bridge” recently. I’m a purebred Pug gentleman who loves to play and am VERY good in the house. I like to take long naps, and when it’s time to go to bed I go to sleep right away and stay quiet all night (unless there’s something going on that I need to tell you about!). I’m going to miss my other family and they’ll miss us, but since TALGV wants my sister and me to stay together, I know we’ll be fine because when we have new people to take care of and shower our love on, we’ll be just as friendly and well behaved as we’ve always been!