
Approximate Age:
13 years, 9 months
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Hi… my name is Donovan.

My rescuer came home from a weekend trip and found me in the gated back yard of her house near Tubac, so there isn’t any question that someone just dropped me there as there’s no way I could have gotten in by myself! She cared for me for two weeks (during which time I stayed in the yard, so we’re not sure about my “house skills” yet), and she said I was gentle and tolerant, LOVE to play (she had two kids and four other animals) and had a terrific appetite (I made up for that “lost weekend” in the yard with no food!). I’m a delightful little solid black, longhaired, Chihuahua mix boy, about 2-3 years old, and I know that I’ll be a super addition to your home AND your life! (revision to be published)