
Approximate Age:
4 years, 1 months
87 pounds


Hi… my name is Major,

Adopted 2-24-23

You already know that my name, for certain humans, is a title that deserves a salute. I don’t expect anyone to salute me, but in my imagination, people look like they may want to. Don’t worry, a friendly smile will do the job! I have probably had some basic education in the past because I’m polite and well-behaved. I’ve already demonstrated how well I sit (when told), walk on a leash and use the doggy door. I’m an approximately 2-year-old German Shepherd, and since I’m a big boy (87 lbs.), I’ll probably need a strong handler. I admit I’m a  softy who’ll sit and casually lean into you to get affection and use my paw to hug your leg. Sound good to you? Then let’s go home and start our lives together!

FOUND – Arrived 1-14-23