
Approximate Age:
13 years, 6 months


Hi… my name is Max,

Adopted September 17, 2015

After 4 years as a member of the family—I’m 4 years old, so basically my whole life—I lost my home through no fault of my own. I belonged to the daughter and when she moved, there was no one to take care of me. My owner said I was good in the house when they were gone, but those were lonely times. I’m a super friendly Spaniel and so I really like to share the good times with a special someone. Here at TALGV, I see friends all around me, which is great. Still, I’m hoping to be part of a family again—a forever family. Let’s get together so I can show you how much fun it can be to have a playful, handsome, super friendly Spaniel in your life.

Arrived September 14, 2015