
Approximate Age:
10 years, 11 months
62 pounds


Hi… my name is Ranger,

Adopted 10-16-17

I like to think my dad would be proud of my excellent behavior at TALGV. After he died, rather suddenly, a kind lady brought me here, where I’ve quickly made new friends and earned lots of praise. The medical people said my behavior during my intake exam was “perfect!” And how am I on a leash? “Great!” Overall personality? “Sweet, nice and friendly.” I gather those adjectives are important to people, and I want to add one that’s real important to me: “Hopeful.” I’m a 3-1/2-year-old red Chow mix male, about 62 pounds, and every day I hope to be the dog someone wonderful will love. For me, the happiest life will be spent as somebody’s buddy for fun, for company, and for keeps. Could you be the one to take me home forever?

Arrived 8-14-17