
Approximate Age:
4 years, 1 months
58 pounds


Hi… my name is Ryan,

Adopted 9-9-22

Even though I’m a big strong boy, I’m still a youngster, in other words… a pup! That often means I play a little too rough. I’m crate trained, already know how to sit, ask to go out, and use a doggie door. When walking by active barking dogs (about 25’) I’m mildly reactive, but I know how to respond, when told assertively, to the command “leave it.” I’m fair on a leash and will benefit with further training to learn not to pull. With my young (short) attention span, I’ll need reminders to focus on my handler to know what’s expected of me. I’m well worth the work if you’re willing, and once you’ve earned my trust I’ll be your faithful and loving companion for life.

NOTE: Ryan has been social, tolerant, and playful when meeting other dogs in TALGV’s playgroup. He would like to meet any resident dogs before adoption to your home.

FOUND – Arrived 9-30-21, Adopted 12-23-21, Arrived 1-26-22