
Approximate Age:
9 years, 4 months
41 pounds


Hi… my name is Sugar,

Adopted 11-11-20

After I was rescued and taken to a safe place, I was brought to TALGV to find my forever home. Even though I have a few things to learn, I already know how to use the doggie door. I also know how to enjoy the finer things in life like food, a pleasant walk (which I do well), enjoyable playtimes, and last but not least, love. I’m a very happy, affectionate girl and have quickly earned the reputation around here of being very “sweet.” Since we’re on that subject, are you looking for something sweet? Would you like a little SUGAR added to your life? That would be ME! Why don’t you call and make an appointment so we can meet and I’ll show you how I live up to my name.

Arrived 11-2-20