
Approximate Age:
12 years, 10 months
72 pounds


Hi… my name is Sarah.

Adopted September 20, 2015

Once upon a time, I was a lost dog. It’s dangerous out there on your own, and very lonely, but that’s in the past. I say let bygones be bygones. I’m here now, where my naturally sweet and gentle nature can flourish. I’m 4 years old, a beautiful brown and black female Shepherd mix, nicely built at about 72 pounds. I walk well on a leash, and I’m always happy for your company; you can see that in my soft brown eyes. And as grateful as I am for all my new friends here, I must tell you that there’s still something missing. There’s a forever home in my dreams, and a loving someone to share it with. Could that be with you? Could you be the one I’m longing to meet?

Arrived June 23, 2015