
Approximate Age:
5 years, 11 months
10 1/2 pounds


Hi… my name is Luz,

Adopted 5-10-22

Seen outside her house wandering about, I was scooped up by a kind lady who took me inside her home. There I lived with her and her dog for a few days before she brought me here. She said that at times I was quiet and laid back (as I am here at TALGV). At other times I was bold and outgoing (probably when I knew my surroundings and person.) She said I displayed perfect manners. Sad that she couldn’t keep me, but I’m resilient and am already looking forward to meeting my new human to love. Will that be you? I hope so! Not much is known about my past, but my future looks bright.  Will you make it so by adopting me?

FOUND – Arrived 4-10-22