
Approximate Age:
14 years, 0 months


Hi… my name is Tally.

Adopted October 31, 2014.

When I arrived here as a kitten, I was so tiny I had to live with a foster mom until I was old enough to make my debut at TALGV. She said that I was one of the sweetest cats she’d ever known, and had it not been for the menagerie she’d already acquired (all rescues!), she’d have kept me in a minute. I went to live with a couple that didn’t treat me very well (and they had me declawed — which they’d promised NOT to do!), so I’m actually glad to be back at my alma mater! I’m still the sweetheart I’ve always been, so my catnaps are filled with visions of a loving home where I can start a new journey in life.

Arrived September 5, 2014