
Approximate Age:
10 years, 8 months


Hi… my name is Cheddar.

I was adopted on August 31, 2014.

There sure have been a lot of needy kittens lately! You know spring and summer are always “kitten and puppy seasons,” but there have been a lot more abandoned or orphaned infants found this year than usual. In my case, my mom was frightened off by dogs, and although the owner waited a few days, she never came back, so my siblings and I got to come to TALGV where a foster parent took care of my “needs” until I was okay on my own. Now that I’m self-sufficient (and growing by leaps and bounds!), I’m way past ready to move on to a “Life of Riley” that will make up for my less-than-auspicious start in life. I’m am orange tabby boy who promises to be the light of your life!