
Approximate Age:
13 years, 6 months



Hi… my name is Smokey.

I was adopted on August 4, 2014.

When my mom moved recently, she couldn’t afford the deposit they wanted for her to keep me, so although I don’t take up much space, am quiet as can be (I can “pussyfoot” with the best of them!), I had to go. She adopted me from a friend a year ago, and said that I was a gentle, sometimes shy 3-year-old boy, and I got along fine with her ferret (not too many cats can say that!), and loved to play fetch with rolled up receipt paper (there’s a cheap toy for you!). Although I’m not a “cuddler,” I do like to be near you, have impeccable house manners and, in my own special Siamese way, will undoubtedly add that “something special” you’ve been missing to your life.