
Approximate Age:
5 years, 0 months


Hi… my name is Timmy,

When mom died no one knew what to do with me.  Luckily a nice neighbor took me in temporarily, and she brought me here to The Animal League. I wasn’t too happy at first but now I see that this is a nice place. I like to hang out on the “catio” on a low perch and watch the world go by—I’m kind of low maintenance. I like petting and brushing but nix on being picked up or held. I have white on my face, chest and feet, and the rest is a nice grey stripe. I’d like to find a permanent place to hang out—do you have a spot for me?

If you are considering adoption, stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Or you may  call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make an appointment. Kennel hours are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 2-26-23