Animal League News

Hi… my name is Ghost,

Adopted 2-8-24

To begin with I’d like to say…BOO! Now that’s out of the way, I’ll tell you the story about this “Ghost.” After a stay in foster care, I proved to be a gentle, loving boy who’s friendly with people and enjoys getting attention, running and playing around the yard, and following my “mom” around the house. I’m from a home with children, and 19 other cats and dogs. It appears that I probably got along well with all. I’m crate trained, and once I trust that my person will return, I won’t worry about being left alone. I can use a doggie door and ask to go out. After I take care of business (potty), I walk well on a loose leash. Now I’ve shared my story with you, would you please share your home with me?

Arrived 10-8-23

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Hi… my name is Rocky,

Adopted 1-26-23

My owner gave me to a friend, but the friend didn’t keep me. After several days of making the rounds on the GV Country Club fairways, I was brought to TALGV. I’m a male Akita/Husky mix, about 9 months old, who’s looking for a home. I haven’t had very much training in the past, but I’m getting it now! I’m enrolled in “Basic Commands 101” (sit, down, stay, etc.), and I’m also taking a course in “Leash Training 102.” I understand that “Socializing 103” is a lesson EVERYONE needs. I recently made a friend in our play yard, and maybe one of these days I’ll be lucky and get a roommate. I know there’s someone out there just for me. Someone firm, patient, and above all…loving. Could that someone be YOU?

Arrived 10-9-22

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Hi… my name is Noga,

Adopted 6-5-22

 I’ve recently been a visitor at TALGV, but due to all the twists and turns in life, I’m now a resident, at least until I find my new home. I’m an energetic, playful, 4-year-old Akita mix, who sees the world through two different colored eyes. Many people consider this “undeniably beautiful.” I’m strong and somewhat athletic (can easily leap over a 4’ fence). I need some help with my leash training, and if you’re patient with me, I’ll respond to the “sit” command. I’ve enjoyed being around children and other dogs, but NEVER cats! I behave in a car and love going for rides. My name is of Hebrew origin and means “morning light.” Please, just look me in the eye and consider how THIS “morning light” could brighten your home and life.

Arrived 4-21-22

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Hi… my name is Spencer,

Adopted 7-1-20

Have you ever longed to be accepted and loved for who you really are? I’ve been living at TALGV for almost 3 years and still hope for the day when someone special comes, really sees me, and says, “Spencer, you’re coming home!” People walk by my door, give me a glance, see a black dog with a graying muzzle, and pass me by. What they don’t see is that I know my commands and have good house manners, am friendly and give big kisses. I love walks, car rides, playing “find the treat,” learning new commands, and taking a nap. I do, however, have a problem I just can’t seem to shake. Do you? Mine is aversion to other dogs. I will treasure the person who is willing to shield me, adopt me as their only dog, and love me as I am.

Arrived 5-20-17


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Hi… my name is Yogi,

Adopted 9-10-18

I used to live outside all the time. Oh, I learned to cope, but the comforts and company of living inside are truly appealing. (I do love a pool, so some outside time can be fun.) I’m 7 years old—lots of living still to do—but my people are moving and can’t take me along. We’ve been together since I was a puppy, so it’s a big change, but there’s a bright side: I know how to be a loving companion and I certainly love receiving attention, so this is my big chance for more of that! I’m an Akita/Lab mix male, about 65 pounds, with a beautiful rust and white coat. I’m leash-trained, have lived with other dogs, know some commands, and will live happily ever after if you make me yours.

Arrived 7-30-17

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