Animal League News

Hi… my name is Tawny Bon,

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 10-11-24

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Hi… my name is Buddy,

Adopted 5-18-24

I was just a puppy when I was adopted from TALGV eight years ago. Since then, I’ve gained knowledge and experience. I respond well to “sit” and “lay down,” walk easily on a leash, and ride well in a car. I’m calm and have very good manners, even when left alone in the house (never outside). I need a secure yard to run in with a wall that’s over three feet high. I’m very friendly and love ear/head rubs and soft beds. I enjoy meeting people and get along well with other dogs. Cows, rabbits, and ducks don’t phase me, but I will chase lizards and scare away birds. Every family needs a buddy, and THIS Buddy needs a family. Please be mine!

Arrived 1-28-16, Adopted 2-1-16, Arrived 4-2-24

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Hi… my name is Hazel,

Adopted 2-26-24

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 2-3-24

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Hi… my name is Jessie,

Adopted 2-16-24

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 2-10-24

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Hi… my name is Teddy,

Adopted 4-15-23

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 4-5-23

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Hi… my name is Larry,

Hello again! I told you I’d be back to update you on my progress! Even though I’m still shy, I’m improving. Playing with toys and chew bones isn’t my thing, but I really get excited and look forward to going for walks with my “special” friends. I’m also intelligent and affectionate (my hidden qualities). It’s been mentioned that once that special person wins my trust, I’ll turn into a “silly lovebug,” and I’ll even reward them with a big hug. I’m crate trained and can use the doggie door. I’d love a quiet home, with few visitors and a daily routine. My dream is to build a trusting, loving relationship with my own special person, in my forever home. I know you’re out there somewhere! When you’re ready to meet me, I’ll be here.                                                                                                   (bio revised 12-5-23)

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 1-16-23

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Hi… my name is Harvest,

Adopted 7-13-22

My pups are grown and have left the nest for their forever homes. I came to TALGV just before Thanksgiving with my five puppies and was I ever glad to be here: food, nice people, and a safe place for all of us to sleep! I hadn’t spent much time with humans before coming here, but I am making friends now. They say that I was a very good Mom, concerned but letting the humans handle my babies. I like a bit of cuddling myself, actually. And I am now ready to run and play, preferably with a doggie brother or sister, and a human family of my own – but females only, please. If you are looking for a gentle soul to take into your home, won’t you come to see me?

Arrived 11-15-21

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Hi… my name is Cider,

Adopted 2-2-22

I am one of five puppies who learned to love people when many of the volunteers here at TALGV came to visit us over the past weeks. Our Mom was trying to take care of us by herself outside, but we all like it much better here! Mom is a Border Collie mix and very pretty. Dad – well, I’m not really sure, and Mom’s not telling. I think he was bigger than she is because everyone says I look like I will outgrow Mom for sure. Like all puppies my age, I like to play, explore my world with eyes, ears, and mouth, and take naps. Are you ready to teach me how to be a good dog like my Mom? Then let’s meet!

Arrived 11-15-21, Adopted 12-17-21, Arrived 1-26-22

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Hi… my name is Maize,

Adopted 12-14-21

I am one of five puppies who learned to love people when many of the volunteers here at TALGV came to visit us over the past weeks. Our Mom was trying to take care of us by herself outside, but we all like it much better here! Mom is a Border Collie mix and very pretty. Dad – well, I’m not really sure, and Mom’s not telling. I think he was bigger than she is because everyone says I look like I will outgrow Mom for sure. Like all puppies my age, I like to play, explore my world with eyes, ears, and mouth, and take naps. Are you ready to teach me how to be a good dog like my Mom? Then let’s meet!

Arrived 11-15-21

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Hi… my name is Cranberry,

Adopted 12-14-21

I am one of five puppies who learned to love people when many of the volunteers here at TALGV came to visit us over the past weeks. Our Mom was trying to take care of us by herself outside, but we all like it much better here! Mom is a Border Collie mix and very pretty. Dad – well, I’m not really sure, and Mom’s not telling. I think he was bigger than she is because everyone says I look like I will outgrow Mom for sure. Like all puppies my age, I like to play, explore my world with eyes, ears, and mouth, and take naps. Are you ready to teach me how to be a good dog like my Mom? Then let’s meet!

Arrived 11-15-21

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Hi… my name is Acorn,

Adopted 12-16-21

I am one of five puppies who learned to love people when many of the volunteers here at TALGV came to visit us over the past weeks. Our Mom was trying to take care of us by herself outside, but we all like it much better here! Mom is a Border Collie mix and very pretty. Dad – well, I’m not really sure, and Mom’s not telling. I think he was bigger than she is because everyone says I look like I may outgrow Mom. Like all puppies my age, I like to play, explore my world with eyes, ears, and mouth, and take naps. Are you ready to teach me how to be a good dog like my Mom? Then let’s meet!

Arrived 11-15-21

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Hi… my name is Pumpkin,

Adopted 12-14-21

I am one of five puppies who learned to love people when a foster mom took me home since I was so much smaller than my siblings. Our Mom was trying to take care of us by herself outside, but we all like it much better here! Mom is a Border Collie mix and very pretty. Dad – well, I’m not really sure, and Mom’s not telling. I don’t look much like her the way my brother and sisters do but like all puppies my age, I like to play, explore my world with eyes, ears, and mouth, and take naps. Are you ready to teach me how to be a good dog like my Mom? Then let’s meet!

Arrived 11-15-21

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