Animal League News

Hi… my name is Apollo,

You know when you’re wearing something that doesn’t fit right… it’s too short, long, tight, or loose?  Any adjustment attempts fall short and you just get frustrated? Well, that’s how it was for me in my prior home. It wasn’t the right fit for me. My friends at TALGV are helping me figure out who would be my perfect family. Here’s what I can share: Once we are friends (I need time to warm up), I am quite the playful boy. I get ‘zoomies’ from playing in water – whether in a pool or being squirted with a hose. So fun! I display great manners getting leashed up for walks. My dog neighbors and I engage in friendly games of ‘chase.’ Stay tuned for more updates as my friends learn more about me.

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 4-28-24

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Hi… my name is Delilah (aka Olympia),

Adopted 3-27-22

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 6-6-19, Adopted 7-8-19, Arrived 3-17-22

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Hi… my name is Patch,

Adopted 1-2-20

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 12-26-19

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Hi… my name is Queenie Sue,

Adopted 9-16-17

Queenie Sue has earned her AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate.

Running free can be glorious if you’re safe—like when you’re at home or out running with your person. But I was found running loose and not safe at all because I was near a highway, without a collar or tag, and without a friend until a gentleman stopped, picked me up and brought me here. People say I’m stunningly beautiful—a blonde and white Husky mix female with a good-looking physique at 61 pounds—and those kind words are sweet, but I’m way more interested in how we feel about each other. Come visit and you’ll see that I’m looking for a friend. I’m 4 years old and still energetic, so we could exercise and then relax together the way old buddies do. How about it? Could we be friends for life?

Arrived 2-10-17

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