Animal League News

Hi… my name is Bella,

Adopted 10-10-20

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life

I’m an affectionate, happy, and friendly senior lady that comes with Vet Care Support for Life. My foster parents are helping find me a wonderful home to spend my retirement. Since I became hard of hearing, they’ve been working on hand signals with me. Some loud noises, like clapping, get my attention and of course, treats always work. When I need to go out I will come to get you. That also works when I’m ready to eat. Speaking of eating, I really enjoy my food warmed up in the microwave. Every morning I take my pills in CRUNCHY peanut butter, please! As we all get older we enjoy the simple things in life: a loving home, good food, and someone to share them with. Please consider sharing your home and life with me.

Arrived 11-6-19, Adopted 11-15-19, Arrived 6-25-20

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Hi… my name is Maverick,

Adopted 10-2-20

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 9-27-20

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Hi… my name is Chester,

Adopted 7-5-18

Someday I’ll grow up and be one of the big dogs, but as a young pup I met a dog who didn’t want me around. I ended up getting stitches at the dog hospital, along with the other dog who protected me. She’ll be okay, too, and she sure showed me what loyalty means. When I grow up, I want to be like that—loyal, dependable, and loveable too. People here say I’m loveable already, along with being curious, calm, and eager to learn. A Rottweiler mix male, I’m getting bigger every day, but still a puppy, occasionally cautious with strangers, and in need of training, lots of attention, and extra helpings of love. If you have that to give, will you please make me yours? I’ll try to always make you glad you did.

Arrived 6-20-18

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