
Approximate Age:
11 years, 11 months
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Hi… my name is Bonnie.

Adopted December 28, 2014.

So you say you like “interesting” dogs? Well, I’m guessing they don’t get much more eye-catching than me! I’ve definitely got Shar Pei ears going on, along with a bit of a husky mask and shepherd body. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if they always did DNA tests on canines so you’d know? In any case, I’m one lovely girl who was found as a stray (sadly, that’s a pretty big club), but even though I was pretty frightened when I arrived, the volunteers say that I now get along great with people, walk well on a leash, and am using my doggie door like a trooper. They think I’m a “few” years old, and I weigh about 30 pounds, so with just a bit of education, I’ll be a well-behaved and loyal friend.