
Approximate Age:
19 years, 2 months
, ,
51 pounds


Hi… my name is Candy,

Adopted 5-21-17

Candy comes with Free Vet Care for Life.

If you’re looking for a “true” rescue story, then lend an ear to the tale I have to tell about my two friends Dreidl, Claus, and me because we’re shining examples of what a difference a little (well, a LOT!) of attention, care, and good food can make! We were rescued on Sahuarita Road when a Good Samaritan stopped, opened his car door and we all gratefully piled in. We each had serious cases of mange, were undernourished, frightened, and were in urgent need of care. Well, that was before Christmas, and after many weeks of that loving care, we’re all turning into gentle, laid back dogs who want nothing more in life than safe, loving homes where we can strut our new stuff! Oh, and  we come with TALGV’s Free Vet Care for Life, too!

Arrived December 20, 2014.