
Approximate Age:
9 years, 6 months
62 pounds


Hi… my name is Gary,

Adopted 6-21-17

I’m a happy, friendly dog who’s grateful to be here because not long ago, I was hurt. Back then, I suffered the trauma that threatens every stray dog: I was hit by a car. But I was also lucky. A Good Samaritan rescued me and immediately took me for medical care, and now we can celebrate my remarkable recovery! Plus, I even made new friends along the way—the animal hospital staff gave me high marks for “adoptability,” which I think means they liked me, and TALGV volunteers agree. They say I have the makings of a great companion—a smart and loyal Heeler mix male, 1-year-9-months old, about 62 pounds, with a tan and white coat, a handsome face, and a great big heart. If you’re looking for a friend, I’m right here!

Arrived 12-30-16