
Approximate Age:
9 years, 6 months
, ,
61 pounds

Honey Bun

Hi… my name is Honey Bun,

Adopted 9-25-19

I’m a sweet 61-pound terrier girl with a big love of people and other dogs. A kind man found me loping along near Anamax Park, and he brought me here to TALGV. He had kept me overnight, and said I was a friendly pooch. He found out I knew how to “sit,” “shake hands,” and “lie down.” Already I’m a favorite with the volunteers, and I’m enjoying a doggie roommate. Here I’ve demonstrated how affectionate I am, and how much I like to have splashy fun in water, even if it’s only a water bowl. I walk like a perfect lady on leash – I don’t pull, and I don’t jump up on people when I greet them. Come and see me, and you’ll find your next best friend and honey bun.

FOUND – Arrived 8-24-19