
Approximate Age:
11 years, 1 months
16 pounds


Hi… my name is Scampi.

Adopted August 14, 2015

When you’re a dog without a home, lots of places can be dangerous.   My friend, Skippy, and I were found in a very dangerous place—the middle of a busy road. We’re sure grateful to the man who stopped to help us. And now that we’re safe, I’m focused on happy days ahead. I’m an 18-month-old Wirehaired Terrier female, and at just 16 pounds, I’m little in size but big in personality. I’m also super friendly and energetic. Fun things for me include playing in water—running through sprinklers is all kinds of fun– and if my playfulness keeps you entertained, all the better!   I say life is to enjoy and best when shared. If you agree, I hope we can meet. Maybe the happy home I dream of will be with you!

Arrived 8/7/2015