
Approximate Age:
8 years, 7 months
24 pounds


Hi… my name is Teaka,

Adopted September 19, 2016

When I grow up, I want to be a dog like my mom—playful but calm, eager to please, and fun-loving, too. And you know what? I think I’m off to a good start! Mom is a beautiful Border Collie mix, and she’s been a wonderful mother. Even though she was a stray when found, she gave all her babies excellent care and teaching. For instance, on a walk recently, one of my siblings got too far away. Mom didn’t panic or get mad, but she barked at him until we were together again. That’s the kind of smart, devoted dog I want to be! I’m a delightful female, black and white, now about 24 pounds, and if you make me yours, we can make each other happy for a long time to come!

Arrived September 4, 2016