
Approximate Age:
17 years, 2 months
5.6 pounds
Special Needs:
Yogi must be adopted with Butters.


Hi… my name is Yogi,

Adopted with Butters 1-6-19

Comes with Free Vet Care for Life

My mom, Butters, and I came here after our person died. We’ve been sad and scared, and you probably understand why. But please know we’re okay. We’ve been good eaters right from the start—I’ve gone from 5 pounds to 5.6 on the day this story is written, so that’s good, right? I’ve had my nails trimmed, some dental work done, and every night I sleep in a soft, cozy bed. The same is true for Mom—plus, we’ve each been given Free Vet Care for Life. (I’m 11; she’s 12). So, every day, Mom reminds me of one important lesson: There’s lots of love out there. Someday soon, someone will come see us, their heart will just open up and we’ll find our new home in that heart. Could that someone be you?

Arrived 10-16-18