
Approximate Age:
13 years, 9 months
10 pounds


Hi… my name is Zee.

Adopted June 30, 2015

You’ve heard about how cats have nine lives — we’ll this little boy has several too, and I have already used up one of them! Two years ago, I (very unwisely!) chewed on a wire in the house and if my dad hadn’t been home to resuscitate me, I’d have been a goner! Well, I’m happy to report that I’m fine now except for some residual scarring around my mouth, but that doesn’t stop me from playing with my toys and engaging in the odd game of tug-of-war now and then! When my dad moved in with his girlfriend and her small dog and two cats, they discovered that I’m definitely not a “cat person,” so a home where it’s just you and me would suit me to a “T.”

Arrived June 14, 2015