Animal League News

Hi… my name is Audi,

Adopted 1-2-25

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 11-23-24

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Hi… my name is Blue,

Adopted 2-28-25

I was a not-so-little boy Blue, wandering alone when my finder brought me to TALGV. My microchip info revealed my owner passed away and no family member could take me in. Despite losing everything I’ve known in my young life, I remain hopeful that I’ll find a perfect, permanent family. Here are some “Blue’s Clues” about me: I adore walks. Despite my resemblance to a small land hippo, I’m easy to handle. No speed walkers, please.  I love to stop and smell the roses, the rocks, the plants…and any pee-mails left behind by other dogs. I know “sit” and am learning polite manners while getting leashed up and harnessed. I’d be best in a quiet home with either no kids or older, respectful kids. Don’t make my Brown Eyes Blue; contact TALGV and ask about me!

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 10-2-24

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Hi… my name is Sasha,

Adopted 2-2-25

For several years I lived with dad, and after he passed away I went to his son’s home.  However, there were other cats there and I didn’t fit in—I’m not good with dogs, either. I prefer just human company! Here at The Animal League I’ve been a little shy, sleeping under a cat tree—but will come out to meet you. I like petting, brushing and scratching. My coat is a beautiful silver blue, and I have some white spots on my chest and belly. Are you looking for a companion too? Please come meet me, and we’ll see if it was meant to be!

Arrived 4-19-24

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Hi… my name is Lady Grey,

Rainbow Bridge 10-21-23

You can make lots of yummy things with Velveeta cheese, but for me, it’s a special treat when I get my daily dose of thyroid medicine! As an 11-year-old lady (with free vet care), I’ve developed an overactive thyroid, but it’s kept in check quite nicely with just half a pill a day in a glob of that great orange stuff! And then I’m ready to spend time either joining you watching TV or reading or just curling up in bed. People say I’m shy, but once I get to know and trust you, I love to cuddle and have my belly rubbed. I do miss my mom, who recently died, but in another quiet home, I’m sure you and I can have a new beginning! (bio 9/17)

Arrived 5-15-17; Adopted 5-24-17; Arrived 9-5-17, Adopted 10-14-17, Arrived 10-13-23

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Hi… my name is Bronson,

When my family dynamics changed, I was not to be included in the “new” family. Me… a great big, adorable lover boy, NOT included? While staying in foster, I made quite a favorable impression. I’m improving my leash skills, but since I’m a big strong boy, I’ll need someone who can match my strength. I ask to go out, and need a yard with a high, secure enclosure. I know how to sit and wait, but an eager eater like me who’s trying to lose “weight” can sometimes find the “wait” trying. I’m crate trained and go there myself for a nap, sleep at night, and stay when left alone. I may be too big to be a lapdog, but let’s compromise. Promise to be my loving, affectionate person, and I’ll try to stay off your lap! Deal? (bio dated 11-30-23)

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 3-13-23, Adopted 4-16-23, Arrived 10-2-23

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Hi… my name is Finn,

Adopted 7-29-23

I was found with just a rope collar and looking like “skin and bones.” But look at me now! You can tell that I’m loving the regular food, and, even more, the human company. Recently I spent a few days in a home and thoroughly enjoyed the quiet and calm environment. My friends there said I was gentle, sensitive, and funny. Although I didn’t like being alone, I didn’t chew or damage anything. They said I preferred being inside, and even watched TV! But the best part was sharing my days with people—taking easy walks, riding in the car, sitting outside together, and cuddling on the couch. I’m a 4-1/2-year-old Boxer/Staffie mix who’s been hungry, scared, and lonely, but now I know how good life can be. Could my best days be with you?

FOUND – Arrived 3-6-23

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Hi… my name is Leila,

Adopted 8-14-21

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… if you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 8-4-21

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Hi… my name is Pocket,

Adopted 9-5-20

When my family sold their home, they couldn’t find a rental that would take a multitude of cats (and birds, reptiles, and a dog!), so no surprise, here I am, checking things out and posting a “personal” ad for my next human or two or three (I get along great with everyone/thing!). My dad said that in addition to being bold and outgoing (no shy wallflower here!), I love attention and jumping up and riding on your shoulders. Truth be told, I’ve had an “occasional episode” of bad manners (with all the critter action, maybe just a slip) so in new surroundings and a new start in life, I’ll be your feline dream come true!

Arrived 11-4-14; Adopted 12-19-14; Arrived 8-21-20

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Hi… my name is Shadow (aka Peanut),

Adopted 4-3-20

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why waste all those words when my picture is all you need. You will notice I’m a compact 5 ½-year-old Staffie mix gal; what you can’t see is I’m ADORABLE! My former owner of 6 months had to relocate immediately and couldn’t take me with him. He said I’m gentle, calm, love to cuddle and be around people. I’m leash and crate trained, and I ask to go out (or use the doggie door). I’m happy to sit for a tasty treat, and you could teach me so much more! At TALGV the volunteers pop in and visit, but what I would really like is a visit from you. Let’s not mince words; please adopt me and take me home.

Arrived 9-15-19; Adopted 9-22-19; Arrived 3-19-20

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Hi… my name is Rajah,

Adopted 3-3-20

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 2-1-20

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Hi… my name is Beauregard,

Adopted with Moonlight and Lexington 8-17-19

When your mom says, “Loves life, very outgoing, loves to be petted, great with all types of animals and people of all ages,” you know it was a tearful day for her when she had to relinquish me and my housemates, Kimo and Hattie Mae. Divorce is never pretty, but when it involves losing cherished pets, it’s even harder (on both humans and animals). She would have taken us all in a heartbeat, but she had to move out of state to a place that didn’t allow pets (I think those places should be outlawed!). I’m a 3 1/2-year-old Russian Blue, and if all those attributes have gotten your attention, come meet me – you’ll be wowed!

Arrived 8-2-19

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Hi… my name is Brandi,

Adopted 8-11-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 6-29-19

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