Hi… my name is Tinsel,
Adopted March 1, 2016
There’s no nice way to say this: My brothers and sisters and I were dumped. We were left out in the cold and filth with only each other for comfort, lucky to get food from a kind stranger. I don’t want to think what might have happened if TALGV hadn’t come to our rescue. Thankfully, the vet who examined us said we are remarkably healthy. Also, the volunteers think I probably had some okay human interaction before being abandoned because I’m comfortable with humans. I’m a 4-1/2-year-old Chihuahua mix male, brown and sable, long and small at just 12 pounds. Imagine how grateful I’ll be for a comfy, carefree home with someone who’ll love and care for me forever. I’ll be the best little companion you could want! Won’t you take me home today?
Arrived November 21, 2015
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