Animal League News

Hi… my name is Tinsel,

Adopted March 1, 2016

There’s no nice way to say this: My brothers and sisters and I were dumped. We were left out in the cold and filth with only each other for comfort, lucky to get food from a kind stranger. I don’t want to think what might have happened if TALGV hadn’t come to our rescue. Thankfully, the vet who examined us said we are remarkably healthy. Also, the volunteers think I probably had some okay human interaction before being abandoned because I’m comfortable with humans. I’m a 4-1/2-year-old Chihuahua mix male, brown and sable, long and small at just 12 pounds. Imagine how grateful I’ll be for a comfy, carefree home with someone who’ll love and care for me forever. I’ll be the best little companion you could want! Won’t you take me home today?

Arrived November 21, 2015

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Hi… my name is Violet

Adopted May 15, 2105

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived May 13, 2015

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Hi… my name is Copper.

Adopted November 1, 2014.

Boy, I don’t know what a fella has to do to get noticed around here! I arrived October 1st and have been trying to present my most adorable self to the public ever since! I guess there are just so many of us here that I sometimes get “lost in the shuffle!” My rescuers said, “A large truck dropped this puppy off on the road and we stopped and called him and he responded immediately by coming to us. He has a sweet temperament and is very smart.” I’m an 11-pound, young copper-colored, longhaired Chihuahua mix boy who has a “foxy” look that (I think!) is totally endearing. I love people (especially their laps!), and am a joyous, happy guy who would love to share those traits with you!

Arrived October 1, 2014.

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Max was adopted November 25, 2014.

MAX is a sweet and handsome 6-year-old Lynx Point Siamese who needs a new home as family member is allergic to cats. He weighs 14 pounds, has a sable coat and beautiful blue eyes. Max is neutered, is current with shots and is declawed so, of course, must be indoor only. He always uses his litter box, won’t scratch or get on furniture, and he loves a lap and to have his ears scratched. Max ignores the family dog but has never been with another cat. He would enjoy sleeping next to you if allowed. Please call Wanda between 8 AM and 8 PM at 399-3332.

(photos by owner)

August 30, 2014

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