
Approximate Age:
3 years, 0 months
, ,
40 pounds


Hi… my name is Pappy,

Adopted 8-23-22

Papago Road exit leads off I-19 to nowhere, and that’s exactly where I was headed. Fortunately a good Samaritan found me lying under a tree. I was too sick and weak to stand, so he picked me up, put me in his car, and drove me to TALGV for help. After a trip to the vet, and a short stay, I was returned to TALGV. I’m an approximately 5-month-old hound/staffie mix boy, who finally can see a bright future ahead. Now all I need is a caring person, hopefully you, to adopt me and take me home. I can see it now, a home of my own, a loving family, and lots of toys for me to play with. What more could a puppy wish for? You to grant my wish!

FOUND – Arrived 8-6-22