
Approximate Age:
15 years, 6 months
54 pounds


Hi… my name is Patty (aka Dot),

Adopted 2-23-18

Patty comes with FREE Vet Care for Life

My door sign could read “Visitors Welcome” because I’m a friendly dog who loves the attention of people. As a grown-up, an 8-1/2-year-old, I can be gentle and calm, walk by your side, nicely leash trained. But also, just being me, I’m outgoing and fun-loving, too. At my former home, a gate or door was too often left open and I’d wander out, looking for friends—fun, but not safe. A new home will be best, and I’m excited about finding someone new who cares about me. I’m a 54-pound female, a brindle and white sweetie who has free vet care for life, dreaming of my forever home—that place where we’re happy just being together, having fun and taking care of each other. If that’s “home” for you, too, I’d love to be yours!

Arrived 8-17-17