
Approximate Age:
8 years, 7 months


Hi… my name is Amber,

Adopted 8-24-17

There are just too many homeless cats and not enough shelters or adopters to give them all “happy ending” stories, but TALGV is doing its darndest to see that it can do that for as many as possible! Over the past year, they’ve taken a number of us from a shelter that’s closing and they’ve all been absolutely delightful, outgoing, loving felines. And I’m no exception! When I arrived, I was still nursing my (happily LAST!) litter of kittens, but now that they don’t need me any longer, it’s MY time to shine! I’m not really out of my “cat teens” yet at about a year old, so when you take me home, you can expect energy, curiosity (OK, cat curiosity knows no age!), and love galore!

Arrived 5-16-17