
Approximate Age:
4 years, 2 months


Hi… my name is Aruba,

Adopted 1-23-22

Think warm sunshine and sandy beaches. That’s Aruba the Island. I’m Aruba the Beautiful. I have lovely torbie markings and a medium-length coat.  Perhaps I’m named Aruba because I was found with my three babies as strays in the sand near a playground. We were brought into TALGV to receive their special brand of care. And so we have! My babies are all finding their own homes, and I’m waiting patiently for my forever home. Currently I’m shy and quiet, preferring my own cubby. However, when volunteers come in, they talk with me sweetly and I purr when they pet me. How perfect my life would be if you’d take me home to be yours!

Arrived 11-26-21