
Approximate Age:
7 years, 1 months
65 pounds


Hi… my name is Jack,

Adopted with Jill 2-2-19

Jill and I were found together—sitting on the side of a frontage road when our kind rescuer (bless her!) opened the door of her truck and let us jump in with her dog. On the night we spent with her, she praised us for not barking, being housetrained, and good with her dogs. Of course! Jill and I are just that way—we’re friendly, calm and sweet. Granted, I’m stronger; the person on the other end of my leash needs to be strong, too. Jill is gentler, a bit softer. And both of us like people very much. We love your attention, affection, and will always try to please you. So it’s up to you. We can meet, be friends, and maybe even share that place that’s better than all others: a loving home.

Found/Arrived 1-5-19