
Approximate Age:
1 years, 2 months
, ,
47 pounds


Hi… my name is Rico,

Imagine two little dogs tied to a stop sign under a piece of cardboard with the words “Free puppies.”  Heartbreaking, right? Well, I was one of those sad pups, but that was many months ago. Today, I’m glad to tell you, I’m enjoying life as a happy and playful young dog with lots of friends. On my first adoption I was too strong for my former person, but she liked me a lot. She said I was kind, loving, and well behaved with people and dogs. (Not so much with cats.) Being here gives me the chance to learn more good-dog lessons and I’m having fun with other TALGV dogs and the volunteers, but I do dream of home. If I can belong to you, I’ll be your loving, loyal, and grateful dog forever.

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 4-29-24, Adopted 5-7-24, Arrived 1-11-25